Is it true that the Russian military has encouraged Indonesia to negotiate with the USA about arming red and white frigates with Tomahawks -

Is it true that the Russian military has encouraged Indonesia to negotiate with the USA about arming red and white frigates with Tomahawks, NEWS - The Red and White Frigate Project in Indonesia has caught the attention of foreign countries, sparking interest in Indonesia's shipyard capabilities. 

With the recent deal with Babcock International, the Red and White Frigate is anticipated to become the strongest in Southeast Asia. The success of this project holds significant importance as it serves as a reference for other nations to gauge Indonesia's military capabilities. By establishing independence in the domestic defence industry, Indonesia sends a clear message to potential adversaries, deterring them from engaging in open conflict.

The Falklands War serves as a poignant example of the consequences of relying on imports for advanced warships. Despite having a strong Navy equipped with cruisers, destroyers, frigates, and an aircraft carrier, Argentina suffered defeat at the hands of the UK. 

The UK managed to convince France to cease supplying Argentina with Exocet missiles, thereby depriving them of a crucial weapon. Similar challenges could arise for Indonesia, particularly concerning the Exocet MM40 Block III, which plays a vital role in their warships.

To address this vulnerability, Indonesia has adopted a balanced approach, combining imported defence equipment with technology transfer from the manufacturing country. 

The mandatory transfer of strategic technology is essential for the development of Indonesia's self-sufficiency in defence. Andi Widjajanto, the Governor of Lemhannas RI, emphasised the need to find the ideal entry point for offset and desired technology transfer, ensuring the growth of defence institutions' independence.

However, caution must be exercised when selecting the technology for transfer; it must align with Indonesia's strategic needs. 

The Red and White Frigate project exemplifies the significance of such technology transfer. As part of the plan, Indonesia will employ Atmaca anti-ship missiles from Turkey, eventually producing them domestically through technology transfer. Furthermore, Russian military expert, Andrey Gubin, suggests the possibility of equipping the frigate with Tomahawk cruise missiles from the US.

The Red and White Frigate will emerge as a pivotal component of Indonesia's strategic defence system. With an allocation of $720 million for the project, the ship, weighing over 6,000 tons, will be equipped with the universal vertical launch system Mk. 41. 

This system allows for the use of various ammunition, ranging from air defence missiles to sea-based cruise missiles. The frigate will also possess advanced radar, fire control systems, and sonar capabilities, making it a formidable force.

As Indonesia moves forward, it is crucial to consider the arms market and the various factors that influence it. Aligning with the government's defence economic strategies until 2024 is essential in establishing a sustainable defence economic strategy for the next 20-30 years. Andi Widjajanto stresses the need for a deliberate approach to offset that fully supports Indonesia's long-term goals.

In summary, the Red and White Frigate Project has garnered international attention, showcasing Indonesia's growing shipyard capabilities. By embracing independence in the domestic defence industry, Indonesia establishes its military strength and deters potential aggressors. 

While being cautious in selecting technology transfer, Indonesia is achieving significant milestones, such as producing Atmaca anti-ship missiles domestically. As the Red and White Frigate emerges as a strategic defence system, equipped with advanced weaponry, Indonesia continues to shape its future as a self-reliant military force.

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