The Houthi Leader Himself Asked for an Indonesian Oil Ship to Pass Safely in the Red Sea -

The Houthi Leader Himself Asked for an Indonesian Oil Ship to Pass Safely in the Red Sea, NEWS - It turns out, the security of Gamsunoro, an Indonesian oil tanker in the Red Sea, is being ensured by one of the leaders of the Yemeni Houthi group. 

He is none other than Brigadier General Yahya Saree, the official spokesperson for the Houthi group, who has emphasized the safe passage of ships through the Red Sea, including Gamsunoro Indonesia, as long as they are not heading towards Israel or coming back from there. 

As it is known, the passage of the Indonesian oil tanker through the conflict-ridden Red Sea has caused a stir in the international community. 

Interestingly, while ships like Gamsunoro Indonesia are being allowed safe passage, commercial vessels heading towards Israel or the opposite direction are ruthlessly targeted by the Houthi group in Yemen. 

Two Aframax tankers that deviated from the Red Sea and passed through Bab al-Mandab on January 17 were the Indonesian-flagged Gamsunoro and the Free Spirit, flagged by the Marshall Islands. 

"Both tankers were carrying heavy fuel and had last stopped at Fujairah, one of the world's largest oil fuel centers, in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)," Al Arabiya stated. 

However, it is surprising to discover that the Houthi group has decided to let the Indonesian oil tanker pass through safely. Reports suggest that one of the reasons behind this decision is because the Indonesian oil tanker identified itself with the phrase "Indonesian Owner". 

Since Indonesia is not involved in conflicts with Yemen and Palestine, the Houthi group has allowed Gamsunoro to proceed safely. 

This is in contrast to the situation faced by the United Kingdom, which is an ally of the United States. A British naval vessel was attacked by the Houthi group when it entered that area on almost the same day.

The latest news states that the Yemeni Houthi group claimed to have attacked a US Navy mobile base at sea on January 29, without providing any evidence, something that was promptly denied by a US defense official.

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